Factory Reset Protection (FRP) is a security method designed to ensure that in the event of a lost or stolen phone, someone cannot simply wipe the phone and perform a factory reset. Starting with Android Lollipop, FRP is "standard" in Vanilla Android, and most of the companies that make our phones have implemented it in their own models. That's good - a stolen phone is harder to use, so it's less attractive to thieves, and anything that can protect our data on a lost phone is welcome. How does it work However, a problem can occur if you sell, trade or even distribute the phone without performing a factory reset. How it works explains why. To perform a factory reset, you must be logged in to the phone's "owner" account (which you used to configure it). This means that if you give me your phone, I can not reset it without logging in. There are random solutions on the internet, but they are usually fixed as soon as they are discovered. Before you ...